Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Sacred wishes

Hi everyone!

Last week felt like I needed to take a step back and get off the computer a bit. I really needed some quiet meditative time, which for me meant... plaster time!

Oh! the bliss of those immaculate white strips of plaster gauze... Gently soaking them into warm water, smoothing them with my fingers and watching the magic happen is sooo relaxing. I never had a manicure (don't tell!) but I'm sure it doesn't get much better than this! And I just love the natural feel of plaster, the texture of the overlapping strips, the stray bits of thread here and there that I surely wouldn't want to trim, the amazing way oil pastels pick up the texture! The whole process is so relaxing, my mind just goes blank and all I have to do is enjoy...

So anyway, what did I end up with?... Well, the holiday spirit is definitely kicking in and I felt like doing something about wishes... This is a season when we feel that, very soon, light is about to take over darkness again. And the little girl within me feels that this is a sacred time when anything is possible, a time for hope and wishes...

So I made these little "wish-holder" sculptures. Their shape is reminiscent of a kimono or a sacred robe, and inside their "chest" is a heart. They are meant as a daily reminder of our own sacredness, our own divinity and our heart's deepest wishes.

A little label holder at the bottom will hold wishes, and as always, I incorporated a real little 4 leaf clover in each one for extra good luck! There are different kinds of hearts too : some are made of silver birch bark, another is polymer clay, and my favorite is a heart shaped dried leaf that I found on the street... I just love love love the result! How simple and peaceful and hopeful they look...