Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Soulful messengers

Well my dear friends, spring is definitely on its way and it's time to shake things up a bit in my Etsy shop! Hibernation is over, yay! I've just packed it with lots of gorgeous greeting cards, and when I say gorgeous, I mean I've had a hard time not buying cute little frames and putting them all over the shelves and walls (well I did buy just the one frame, but don't tell...) This time I've edited the pictures just a tiny bit more than in the previous batch and the colors really pop!  And the paper quality is as awesome as ever.

I've had a lot of fun putting together some "mini art collections" JUST. FOR. YOU!

First (drrrrrums please...) the LOVE collection! I've put so much love and positive intentions in these paintings, and now I hope all these little hearts will carry your loving messages around the world!


The DREAMERS collection is for all of you beautiful souls who fiercely believe in your dreams, who dare to hope and listen to this little voice inside. Let the magic happen!


And finally,  since I seem to have caught the spring fever, here is a collection inspired by NATURE: Flowers, birds and nests are so fragile, so vulnerable, and yet they are so alive and determined to grow, to fly! I once heard an artist cynically say: "In today's world, how can anyone still paint birds?" Well, I do, and I love them and probably always will, like I know many of you do! Let's spread those wings!


I'm really proud of these little collections actually. When I make art, I always feel that it's not just for me, that it means more than that. And I always hope that it will speak to someone's heart, resonate with someone's soul. So I really wish these little soulful messengers will bring you some joy and inspiration...

AND... here comes the best part! I've wanted to have a GIVEAWAY since I revamped the blog, and now is finally the time! I'm putting together a lovely little package, but I'm not telling you what's in it, it's a surprise (well I can tell you there will be some homemade and some vintage french stuff...) To enter the giveaway, tell us in the comments:

- Your favorite greeting cards collection: Love, Dreamers or Nature

- Your favorite quote about love, dreams or nature (+ tell us who it's from!)

- Make sure to give me your name and correct email address

You have until Sunday 17th to enter the draw and I'll be announcing the winner soon after (and I'll show you what's in the package then...). To make sure you're the first to know, you can subscribe to my blog by email or through your favorite reader.

I'm really counting on you guys to spread the word! Share this post on your blog and/or facebook page so all the beautiful souls out there get a chance to win + it is so amazing to meet fellow dreamers, it makes my little heart so full and grateful ♥

Now my next step will be: making friends with my printer (we're not on speaking terms right now but I think it's time to make peace) and adding lots of prints to the shop (I can do it, yes I can, yes I can!)

Have a wonderful, love-filled week-end!