Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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We're back home and I've just taken the time to sort out our holiday pics. Here are a few favorites from our trip to the Crozon peninsula in Brittany: beautiful and wild ...


empilements 2

Someone recently made these mysterious piles of stone in one night. Since then, people have made it a tradition to build some more as they visit the place (called Cap de la Chèvre), making sure not damage the site of course. Our son really enjoyed building a small one!


bruyere 2

Heather is everywhere, so lovely...

dinan will

Contemplative moment (that's Will) at the Pointe de Dinan.

father and son

Father and son. Doing yoga?... No, making a 4 legged monster with their shadows!




Geology workshop at the beach (plage de l'Aber).

million years old heart

And I leave you with this stone heart from millions of years ago...

And now, back to work!