Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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I got mail

Guess what's inside?...

That's right! It's here!

The first "Incite" mixed media book by North Light Books and editor Tonia Jenny...

... and I'm in it! Wow, this is such an honor to see my art featured in this absolutely gorgeous book. There is so much incredible art in it, so much inspiration. I can't wait to check out the blogs and websites of all the featured artists and find out more!

This is my page, yay!! The featured painting is called "Touch the dream" and you can read its story HERE!

If you would like to purchase the book and help me realize my creative dreams at the same time, please use the affiliate link by clicking on the image below (this way I'll get some gifts certificate to buy more paint!) Thank you!!!

Incite, Dreams Realized: The Best of Mixed Media

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