Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Dear Jane Austen

Hi there friends! Oooh how I've missed this blog! I can't believe it's been so long. I've been up to my curly head in exams for this training program I'm doing. I still have an oral exam tomorrow, but after that, I really really hope to reconnect with... well, me. My inner artist, my creative journey, my paintbrushes and this whole community I am missing so much.

Once upon a time, Mixed media painting on canvas, detail, © 2014 Laly Mille

But I've still managed to finish a new painting over the past month (special thanks to Prince Charming for keeping the kids busy a whole week-end... LOVE). And it's another Jane Austen-inspired lady... Actually, this time it's inspired by Jane herself.

Once upon a time, Mixed media painting on canvas © 2014 Laly Mille

I've spent hours, days and nights writing a big essay this month, and only just realized the similarity with the girl in the painting (although writing a novel would probably have been a lot more fun!). It's funny to find that, in a way, my inner artist has been accompanying me all along, on the canvas, at a time when I almost entirely put her aside.

Once upon a time, Mixed media painting on canvas, detail, © 2014 Laly Mille

There's so much I want to catch up on and tell you about. First, I have several beautiful (and long over-due) "Once upon a time" artist guest posts to share with you. I have missed many Life Book lessons but have finally started to dive into Kelly Rae Roberts' "Hello Soul, Hello Mixed Media Mantras" e-course: pure delight. More on that later...

But for now, a little behind the scenes peek: those of you who are following my facebook art page have seen the painting's progress from start to finish, and here it is again, enjoy!

jane process 2

See you very very soon! (fingers crossed...)