Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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A Queen with a Wild Heart

There has been so much happening around here lately (moving house, first solo show, joining a coop, starting a coaching training and more... but I'll talk about it all later!) And the ups and downs of life, and inner growth too... Months have passed like shooting stars and I haven't even taken the time to blog about all the new art that has been born in the interval (you might have spotted some of it in this post and on my facebook page). So in the coming days I'm going to take the time to let these new creations tell me their stories, so that I can share them with you...

Queen of all the Land series

"Queen of all the Land"... where did that title come from? who is she?... I've been asking myself those questions all along while creating this series of nine small pieces. The phrase kept coming back in my mind and on the artwork, so I let it... This is the mysterious part of the process: letting the art unfold as it pleases, with openness and curiosity. Wondering what is about to emerge and welcoming it, listening to its whispered story.

Queen of all the Land series

Reflecting on the pieces, now that the series is complete, I understand that it speaks both of duality and of harmony. There is a dance, between the abstract grid structure and the natural elements, between the ethereal feel of the encaustic-like texture and the rawness of the scratches and scribbles...

Queen of all the Land series

The story that unfolds tells of a Queen with a wild heart. A strong woman aware of the responsibility to care for her land, but with a longing for barefoot walks into its wilderness. Brave as a lionness. Vulnerable as a butterfly. Sometimes she becomes almost invisible, transluscent as the wings of a dragonfly. Free. Then she returns with dewdrops in her hair and a spark dancing in her eyes. Only a few know of the world that lies behind her smile...

I'm also exploring this dreamy encaustic-like technique with a new series and sharing the process ("live from the studio"!) on Instagram: @lalymille. I'd love for you to join me there.

I'm sharing this new art in a 5 part blog series. I hope it inspires you! Read part 2/5 HERE and stay tuned for the next post!

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Light & Love