Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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A fresh start

The summer is in full bloom and it's a time of transformation over here in my little corner of France... A time for letting go of what no longer fits, creating new spaces and growing new roots. I've been quiet lately, quietly allowing these changes to mature and unfold, and busy building new foundations. HOME is definitely the theme for this month. And moving...

In a few weeks we are moving house, moving to another region, closer to family, nature, and a new creative community. And right now we're in the process of packing, which also means giving up some of the things we no longer need, reassessing our desires for a new, simpler yet more abundant life.

But for now we are starting with a new online home! After many weeks of technical issues and worries, I have decided to move my website from Wordpress to Squarespace and I've rebuilt it from scratch. And from now on my prince charming is going to help me with it and with the shop: it feels so good to be a team! This new magical space feels so much more like me, and I have also designed it with you in mind, a little haven of peace and inspiration to help you light your own creative spark. I do hope you like it here and would love to hear from you, any suggestions are welcome!

With the heat and the studio almost packed, I have gone back to painting on our kitchen table, the place where it all started for me... Lately (and most serendipituously!) I've been working on a commission for a neighboring family who are moving away too, and have asked me for a painting of their current home. Memories and new beginnings...

Thank you for sharing this adventure with me, I will keep you posted of our new discoveries very soon. Make sure to get on my mailing list to follow the journey... there's a big floral abstract in the making ;)

Light & Love