Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Two magical words

What if this year were all about Beauty? and Love? and Joy?
A year to delight in the little things...
A year to honor your gifts, you bigness, your unique sparkle...
A year to boldly step into the light and create your own incredible, messy, soft, brilliant and authentic life...
A year to dream your dreams with wild abandon and allow the magic to unfold...

I have big dreams lined up for this year, which means a lot of trust, a lot of work, a lot of gratitude (I'll tell you more about it all soon!)

In the meantime, my gift to you in this brand new baby year are just two little words... So tiny and simple, yet so powerful that they can move mountains:

What if we were brave enough to ask ourselves that simple question every single day? What if it were the key to open up our hearts every time we get stuck, frustrated or sad? What if we uncovered and nurtured that magical place of joy and wonder that lives inside all of us? What if we remembered to tap into it more and more, until it spills into our lives, our work, our bodies, our relationships?

What if...?

With Light & Love

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