The journey
Last month I hosted a free online workshop called Into the Light and what an adventure it has been... So many wonderful students, and dozens, if not hundreds of paintings and journal pages created and shared, each of them special and unique.
I already shared some student art HERE and HERE, but today I'd like to dive a little deeper, and instead of showing you a gallery of works, I wanted to dedicate a Student Spotlight to one of the participants, to share a little more about the kind of journey they have experienced.
So I am thrilled to welcome the lovely Sandy Babb and share the words and art that she posted in our Facebook group (with her blessing of course!). And through this I wish to honor and express deep gratitude to all the beautiful creatives who have shared this very special creative week with me.
This free workshop was part of the anniversary celebration of my online art class Layers of Light! The class is sold out but if you would like to be informed of the next session, or other future classes, please sign up below:
The journey: Me, myself and I
by Sandy Babb
My journey to finding my artistic light has very much been a solitary journey. As a self taught artist, who has not had a lot of opportunity or exposure to artists or mentors, I have studied and explored much on my own in a time before the internet and Youtube!
The three figures in the piece are Me, Myself and I at different stages of my artful journey. The tiny me to the far right stands unsure on the very edge of the shore, a little afraid to dip her toe into uncharted waters. She takes a deep breath and plunges in...
Coming out the other side with some practical experience and skills under her belt. She still has a ways to climb and the emotional part of her journey begins...yielding...yielding to the creative whispers in her soul that belong only to her, compliant to following her unique creative voice, willing to work at bringing it out into the light...
The journey is a long one, it never really ends if it is your true fosters ideas and concepts, and imaginations that bubble up from that creative light within...its very much an internal exploration that results in external expression...

“... the emotional part of her journey begins... yielding... yielding to the creative whispers in her soul that belong only to her, compliant to following her unique creative voice, willing to work at bringing it out into the light...”
MEET Sandy
I am a sassy southern self-taught mixed media artist who usually has a pocket full of pebbles to keep me grounded since my head is generally in the clouds. I am a wanderer of woodlands and waterways far and wide clicking pics and gathering bits of nature to use in my art. I am an idea chaser and a dreamer, an art maker and wordsmith who is a teller of stories woven together with scissor, paint, fibers, and glue.