Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Student magic

France is going back into lockdown and once again, I feel so incredibly grateful for the technology that allows us to keep sharing our creative gifts and get together online at such times. Even my local yoga class is going to continue online apparently!

I want to keep focusing on that wonderful and powerful feeling of gratitude no matter what.⁠

This past week, artists from all over the world have come together, painted together and inspired each other in the Artist Soul online retreat. This event is now over and my biggest takeaway from this experience is that, despite the crazy chaos going on, the human spirit is still incredibly beautiful, creative, hopeful, generous, brave, daring, luminous and inspiring.

So today I want to honor the beautiful Artists who've been showing up and shared their art during this special event! This is only a tiny glimpse of the hundreds and hundreds of gorgeous artworks and brave experiments that they have created. I hope it will inspire you!

going on an inspiration quest

with Mood-boards and scrapbook pages...

exploring your art language

and practicing with a mini series

once upon a canvas...

telling our stories with color and collage

Soulful abstracts

When you look at all these paintings and mood-boards side by side, it is very clear that we all have a unique, distinctive way of expressing ourselves, gathering inspiration, choosing colors, making marks... We all have a unique art language!

Exploring this personal language, becoming aware of what makes your art YOURS, this is the key idea we explore in Soulful Abstracts! Registration is about to close and I would love for you to join me in this beautiful adventure:

Bonus: the workshops of the retreat will be added in Soulful Abstracts next week!

I feel so blessed for this amazing community, so honored to be sharing our online space with such radiant souls. And so grateful to be able to work from home, to keep sharing my journey with you, interacting with my students and supporting them wherever they are.⁠

What if these strange times allowed us to focus more on what really matters to us, to take more time for what makes us come alive, and finally make it a priority?

The world needs all the beauty and creativity we can give it. So keep shining, keep creating and please keep sharing your gifts! ⁠

Light & Love

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