Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Moments in between

Hello lovely creative!

I thought I’d post a quick update for those of you who are wondering why I have suddenly gone MIA online (all is well, no worries!). For sure, last month was all bubbly and exciting as I was filming my new class, and as a result producing tons of art! Plus I had challenged myself to share it all daily on Instagram (a first and I loved it). Then registration opened for Soulful Abstracts and the class filled to the brim in just 4 days, even before the Early Bird ended, which came as quite a shock I have to say (in a very good way though!). What a ride it has been…

So of course little introvert-me needed some quiet time away from social media to just breathe and take it all in.

And then, I have to tell you that filming is only the visible part of the iceberg! There is a LOT that goes on behind the scenes before an online class is fully ready for the students. In particular, the past weeks have been a true video-editing marathon! It can take so much longer to edit a video than to actually film it, and it’s a lot less glamorous and Insta-worthy… Thankfully, William and I are getting there and we’re almost ready to open the doors for the students on August 3! I’m so excited!

But before we do, we’re taking a good break next week (England, here we come!), so I’ll probably be MIA for a little longer…

Happy Announcement!

I know many of you are eagerly waiting for the next round of Soulful Abstracts, and I’m happy to say that we’re working on it! It will most probably open again in the last week of September or first week of October. For those of you who weren’t able to get a seat the first time, I really encourage you to join my email tribe and put your name on the wait list:

And in the meantime, if you want to create with me, you are more than welcome to join my free 5-part workshop that’s all about playing with art supplies! This video series comes straight from Soulful Abstracts and it is such a wonderful opportunity to loosen up and spend some fun and relaxing creative time. I’d love to see you there!

Light & Love

To join my community and get access to this FREE workshop, click below:

I’d love to hear from you!

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