Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Dare to shine

These days, many of us are struggling with the idea of leading our life "as usual" while the world is going through yet another spell of confusion. And allowing ourselves to keep doing what we love can trigger a lot of guilt: isn't making art a frivolous indulgence? Don't we have anything better to do to make ourselves useful?...

Well, to me the answer is clearly: no. On the contrary. When times get dark, I believe that we need to shine our light brighter and higher than ever. When we do what we love most, when we seek and trust our inner light, when we express it and share it, when we come together and support each other creatively, we make the world a better place.

To me, shining my light means making art. This is what lights me up. This is what makes me step into my best self. This is my purpose and my gift to the world. I often make art that expresses love and a sense of peace. Art that honors nature and simple beauty. And I believe with all my heart that these things matter. Today more than ever.

So I intend to keep going.

Keep painting. Keep learning. Keep teaching. Keep shining.

If you'd like to join me and a whole community of creative Light Bearers, I would love to support you on your journey. There are just a few days left to join Layers of Light, a beautiful, in-depth class that's all about awakening your spark and letting it shine from your soul to the canvas:

Here is a video sneak peek at the Star Catcher painting project pictured above. Enjoy! You'll find more mini videos of the projects on the course description page HERE.

Sending you so much

Light and Love,