Laly Mille, Mixed Media & Art Journaling Online Classes

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Sensitive soul

dear creative friend,

These past weeks the Artist Soul Retreat has been such a whirlwind of creativity, emotions and soulful connections, and I feel so very very grateful! I especially want to thank everyone who shared their story and journey with me. I couldn't possibly send a personal reply to the hundreds of comments, emails and private messages I have received, but they’ve all been deeply appreciated.

What I can see, from all the art and words that have been shared, with honesty and vulnerability, with courage and joy, is that we’re all sensitive souls. And that’s a gift. Despite the crazy chaos that's been going in the world these past years, I believe we are stronger than we think and have so much kindness, courage, love and creativity to share with others.

But if we want to show up as our best selves, make a difference and make art that brings light into the world, then we absolutely need to protect ourselves from getting overwhelmed, and getting sucked into the negativity. So I wanted to share a few thought about that today.

a sensitive soul

I'm a sensitive, sometimes hypersensitive soul, and maybe you're one too. I have an empathic heart and I'm sure many of you are the same, as we creatives often are. Ever since I was little, people have come to me to share their soul, their feelings, their struggles and their stories with me. I would typically get on a bus and not be able to get past the driver who would take my “hello” and my smile as an invitation to spill out the day’s worries (or their medical history).

When you say it like that, it might seem funny, or even look like a wonderful gift. But unlike several members of my family, I’m not a health or social work professional. I’m more of an "emotional sponge", which can quickly get paralyzing. So I've had to learn to set emotional boundaries. If I didn't, I simply couldn't do what I do. I couldn't be a teacher and a creative guide. I couldn't show up to inspire others. I would have to stay small and invisible (which is so much more comfortable!) and there would be a lot less purpose to my life. But that’s not what I’ve chosen to do.

protect your heart

As my audience and business have grown, I've had to learn that I can't do everything, be everything, to everyone, and that whatever I DO do has to be enough. I've also had to learn to protect my heart without feeling guilty about it, even when it's not to everyone's taste. Here are some things that have helped me, maybe you will find them useful too:

  • First, turning to art as a creative and emotional outlet has made a huge difference. Art journaling especially, or letting loose on a big canvas, have often been life-savers.

  • Not watching the news is absolutely key as well. We got rid of our TV many years ago and I wouldn’t go back for the world.

  • Saying NO, whenever something doesn’t feel like a big YES.

  • Connecting to nature, trees, plants, animals… Walking, looking, listening, gardening…

  • Writing

  • Spending some time ALONE every day is absolutely vital (no matter how guilty it makes you feel when others demand your time and attention)

I often have to remind myself that these nourishing moments are not optional.

Taking care of my heart also means that I cannot get emotionally involved with the many personal and deeply touching stories that others keep sharing with me. It doesn't mean I don't care, quite the opposite: it means I care and feel so much that it quickly gets too much. It doesn't matter if we've never met, the connection still feels very real and the emotional impact as well.

In real life it's easier because you can say a lot through an encouraging smile, or simply by looking kindly into the person's eyes. But it's much harder online where you can only use words (emoji's aren't really up to the task) and where people expect instant replies, 24/7. It’s not easy to say no, or to fight my “good girl” people-pleasing tendencies. But that's part of the deal, of setting emotional boundaries for yourself.

If you've experienced the same, please know that it's always always always OK to take a step back and protect your heart. In fact, it’s absolutely essential.

you really are enough

Feeling like we're "not enough", that we don't do enough, has become a bit of a cliché, but it doesn't make it any less real. And I sometimes have to remind myself that everything I choose to give through my art, classes, events, blog and newletters is enough. To inspire, uplift and empower others. To share my heart, my way. Nothing less, nothing more. Like Emily Dickinson said:

If you ever write to me, to share your story, your hopes and dreams or your difficulties, please know that you are seen, and heard, and held in light and love, even if I don’t write back. Life is full of bumps and I know that many of you have been, or are going through a lot, health-wise, money-wise, family-wise, or just because of the state of the world. I want to tell you that I'm so proud of you for staying committed to your creative dreams no matter what. The world needs your light, so keep painting, keep shining and above all, take super good care of your beautiful heart.

Light & Love

let's get creating!

the artist & the journal

class now open!

A magical adventure through art journaling and mixed media painting. Build your personal art journaling practice, grow your wings and take the leap from the page to the canvas!

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