Meet me in the garden

It's been a while since I created a large painting, and I'm thrilled to share the process of new floral piece! All through its making I've been going back and forth between the garden and the studio, soaking in beauty and inspiration, then bringing it back to the canvas, again and again…

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Faded floral studies

The first blooms of Spring are showing up in the garden and they put me in a floral mood! Let’s get playful and explore color with some mini floral studies, using a magazine page as inspiration…

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Unfurl your wings

Not everything you create has to be “finished” straight away. Years ago in my first online class, Layers of Light, I created a series of “two-minute minis” as a quick warm-up exercise. I loved those little collages and just kept them in the studio, in their unfinished state, until I recently got the impulse to turn them into something more…

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Mini art show!

Today I thought I'd take out all the paintings I have completed lately, and make a little display in the studio, like a mini art show! Some of them have been through quite a journey, but when you trust your wings, anything is possible. Come on over and feel inspired!

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Art show!

I've been busy as a happy bee preparing for my upcoming online art show, and it starts really soon! I have put together a poetic and uplifting collection for you, with plenty of lovely florals and inspiration from nature. I hope it will invite you to pause, breathe a little deeper, find renewed joy in your heart and welcome some magic into your life!

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